In a magical world of scientific discoveries where even the impossible seems real, three children with special powers discover the greatest lessons of all...
Click here to explore the transmedia project based on the AWGIE Award-winning theatre show by Catherine Fargher.
The Dr Egg Digital studio was abuzz tonight as part of the launch of the City of Sydney’s Cultural and Creative Spaces at 66 Oxford Street. The night brought out the entire Dr Egg creative team, including Catherine Fargher (writer), Maia Horniak (director), Danielle Wiessner (producer), Tom Coady (branding designer), Matt Young (project intern and production assistant) and Gina Roncoli (script editor). The launch was a great success and we were able to build some strong creative and professional contacts with some of the other projects up and running in the building, including those at Envelop Entertainment, Fishburn Studios, H/K Bicycle Collective on the same floor, and 49ers Craft Collective on level 1!