In a magical world of scientific discoveries where even the impossible seems real, three children with special powers discover the greatest lessons of all...
Click here to explore the transmedia project based on the AWGIE Award-winning theatre show by Catherine Fargher.
Elisa Hall
Michelle Hargraeves
Catherine Fargher
A family is a family is a family.
In February 1993 a series of educational and information posters depicting lesbian families was created as part of the WORD OF MOUTH III exhibition, for the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. This project was auspiced by the Stepping Out programme of Dymphna House, a community organisation which provides housing for incest survivers. The poster project involved photographing lesbian mothers and their kids, and in some cases extended families. The families were involved in the creation of text for the posters and had input into their own depiction in the photographs. The poster series was funded by the Community Cultural Development Unit of the Australia Council (the national arts funding body) and they have received limited distribution in metropolitan Sydney, and various community and gay and lesbian organisations.