In a magical world of scientific discoveries where even the impossible seems real, three children with special powers discover the greatest lessons of all...
Click here to explore the transmedia project based on the AWGIE Award-winning theatre show by Catherine Fargher.
It's Black Friday, when the ghouls and goblins are out to play - so what better time have a production meeting at Dr Egg Digital?
The Dr Egg Digital team was working their magic, brainstorming new ideas and creative concepts for the project. Catherine Fargher, Maia Horniak, Danielle Wiessner and Matt Young were also joined by VFX Artist, Rose Draper (ABC’s Re-enchantment), as well as set and costume designer, Emma Kingsbury, who has just finished work on the upcoming Wolverine film.
The meeting transcended expectations, bringing forward a raft of new ideas for the project’s aesthetics and creative direction, in addition to some fantastic design concepts.
It was a night of hard work, and as it drew to a close the team moved down the street to feast on some delicious udon!