In a magical world of scientific discoveries where even the impossible seems real, three children with special powers discover the greatest lessons of all...
Click here to explore the transmedia project based on the AWGIE Award-winning theatre show by Catherine Fargher.
Catherine Fargher met up with Christopher Williams, co-creator of The Merchant: A Sydney Document, in Hyde Park to talk dramarugy on the upcoming Bell Shakespeare's Mind's Eye project.
The Merchant: A Sydney Document is a documentary adaptation that re-contextualises The Merchant of Venice within the post-GFC banking and futures trading markets, and financial and legal fraternities of Sydney. It employs dramatic storytelling with a documentary style, juxtaposing the original Shakespearean text with the documentary material sourced from interviews and the media. Among other things, Catherine and Christopher discussed and planned the documentary interviews. The project's interview subjects include Barrister Dominique Hogan-Doran (as Portia), and Futures Trader Clare Fletcher (as Antonio).
Click here to find out more about the Bell Shakespeare's The Merchant: A Sydney Document and the Mind's Eye program.