In a magical world of scientific discoveries where even the impossible seems real, three children with special powers discover the greatest lessons of all...
Click here to explore the transmedia project based on the AWGIE Award-winning theatre show by Catherine Fargher.
Dr Egg Adventures has hit the big leagues and cracked the front cover of City Hub newspaper.
As Catherine struts through Slum World, she wears an oddly positive smile, despite the poverty, scientific abominations, and missing children posters that surround her. In the article itself, editor Jamie Apps describes Catherine's readaptation of her "highly successful children's theatre show transitioning into an interactive multi-platform gaming format", which is helping redefine video games as an art form and break the negative stigma of gaming in general.
Click here for a link to the full article.
Also mentioned in the article is the Game Prototyping with Dr Egg digital and storytelling workshop that will take place on 20 June at Spunk Bruiser. If you're an adult, child, or just a regular human being, this thrilling event will provide you with a glimpse into the video games development industy. Light refreshments will be provided.